IPBES in Denmark together with SEGES and ICROFS/Univ. of Copenhagen invites you to participate in the first Danish pollinator symposium. The symposium will present current international and national research and evidence-based practical solutions for the maintainence, conservation and use of wild and domesticated pollinators with focus on Denmark and Northern Europe.
The symposium will be relevant for managers, decision makers, scientistst and student, in addition to conservationists, NGOs, land-owners and bee-keepers.
Find more information about the symposium, and register here.
We will have contributions from:
Lynn Dicks, University of East Anglia, UK
Lina Herbertsson, Lund Universitet
Björn Klatt, Lund Universitet
Ole Kilpinen, Dansk Biavlerforening
Claus Rasmussen, University of Aarhus
Yoko Dupont, University of Aarhus
Lise Hansted, University of Aarhus
Anne E. Eskildsen, SEGES
Thor Hjarsen, IPBES i Danmark, University of Copenhagen
Vibeke Langer, University of Copenhagen
Carsten Rahbek, University of Copenhagen
Environmental Protection Agency of Denmark
The symposium will be in English.