Early career in biodiversity – this is your opportunity

IPBES Fellowship Programme targets early career experts who wish to gain experience by participating in the work of IPBES. Research interests and expertise of candidates will match as much as much as possible the needs of one of the two assessments: (1) invasive alien species or (2) methodological assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services In line with the themes and skills required in the chapters of the respective scoping documents. Selected fellows will take part as authors and attend author meetings and receive training to understanding of the IPBES assessment processes. They will be paired up with a mentor for the assessment period. Contact IPBES i Danmark…
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Bidrag med viden til IPBES-rapport om invasive arter

IPEBS' medlemslande har vedtaget, at IPBES skal udarbejde en omfattende konsensusrapport om invasive arter. Rapporten vil fokusere på invasive artes påvirkning på biodiversitet og økosystemydelser, herunder vilde arter, landbrug og fødevareproduktion, sundhed, fødevaresikkerhed samt spredningsveje og kontrolmekanismer. Derudover skal konsensusrapporten indeholde en global og regional status samt mulige forvaltningsinterventioner regionalt og sub-regionalt. Som forsker kan du ansøge om at bidrage til rapporten på forskellig måde. Du kan blandt andet blive koordinerende hovedforfatter, hovedforfatter, med-forfatter eller reviewer. Hvis du ønskler at komme i betragtning, og blive indstillet af den danske regering til dette arbejde, så ring eller skriv til det danske…
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Tag med YESS til Paris i 2019

For andet år i træk organiserer YESS (Young Ecosystem Services Specialist) en delegation til IPBES’ 7. plenarmøde og du kan komme med. Under det årlige plenarmøde vil forskere fra hele verden præsentere deres resultater og diskutere dem med beslutningstagere på alle niveauer. IPBES er en mellemstatslig enhed med 130 medlemslade, herunder Danmark. IPBES samler og udgiver viden om klodes biodiversitet og økosystemer på opfordring fra medlemslandene. Læs mere: www.ipbes.dk. Tag med YESS til Paris i 2019 – deadline 31. oktober 2018! I 2019 vil plenarmødet finde sted i Paris fra 29. april til 5. maj 2019. Foreløbig agenda (Engelsk). Ved…
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Nominering: Forfattere til assessment om “values” og “sustainable use of wild species”

IPBES opfordrer danske forskere og eksperter til at involvere sig i IPBES internationale arbejde. Overvejer du at sætte din faglighed i spil på den globale scene og i en videnskabelig – politisk kontekst? Så læs mere om det specifikke call her: https://www.ipbes.net/sites/default/files/em-2018-06_letter_nomination_of_experts_and_offers_for_tsus_20180420.pdf Der er deadline 1. juni 2018 vedr. nominering til tre nye IPBES assessments, der vil blive igangsat i 2018-2019: Methodological assessment regarding the diverse conceptualization of multiple values of nature and its benefits (now)Thematic assessment of the sustainable use of wild species (now)Thematic assessment of invasive alien species  (pending and invitation to nominations later in 2018) For yderligere information kontakt: IPBES i DK kontoret for yderligere…
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Review: Globale assessment om biodiversitet og økosystemydelser samt Summary for Policy makers

Deltag i eksternt review af resumeet for policy makers og kapitlerne i IPBES assessment. Deadline for fremsendelse af kommentarer er 29. juni 2018 for kapitler of 9. juli 2018 for resume for policy makers. Dette er det 2. eksterne review og henvender sig til regeringer og intereserede eksperter herunder "scientists, decision makers, practitioners og andre knowledge holders". Register som IPBES bruger på IPBES website: www.ipbes.net og få adgang til relevante dokumenter. Resumeet er online 14. maj.
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Fellowship programme: Unge forskere til review af rapport om “values” og “sustainable use of wild species”

IPBES Fellowship Programme targets early career experts who wish to gain experience by participating in the work of IPBES. Expertise of candidates should match the needs of one of the two assessments below on: (1) values (2) wild species and be in line with the themes and skills required in the chapters of their respective scoping documents. Selected fellows will take part as authors in the chapter of the assessment they are selected for. They will attend author meetings and receive training to gain an in-depth understanding of the IPBES assessment processes. They will also be paired up with a…
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Review: Global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services og tilhørende Summary for policymakers

Announcement of the external review for the first order draft of the summary for policymakers (SPM) and the second order drafts of the chapters of the IPBES global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Deadlines for submission of comments are 29 June for chapters and 9 July for the Summary for Policy Makers. This second external review is addressed to governments and interested and qualified experts, including scientists, decision makers, practitioners and other knowledge holders. Register as user of the IPBES website https://www.ipbes.net in order to get access to the documents. Summary for Policy Makers available on 14 May 2018.
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Nominering: Kandidater til tværfagligt ekspertpanel

Der skal nomineres nye kandidater til the Multidiciplinary Expert Panel (MEP) under IPBES. Besidder du de rette kompetencer, er der nu åbnet op for muligheden for at blive nomineret til det førende ekspertpanel for biodiversitet og økosystemtjenester. Som medlem af IPBES' MEP bliver du en del af et panel med repræsentanter fra verdens førende forskningsmiljøer inden for biodiversitet og økosystemer. Du kan bidrage til det forskningsmæssige arbejde på globalt niveau, få kendskab til seneste forskning, samarbejde med førende forskere, og bidrage afgørende til det videnskabeligt baserede arbejde under IPBES, der er med til at præge den politiske dagsorden vedrørende forvaltningen af biodiversitet og økosystemer.…
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Review: ‘Valuing Nature’s Contributions to People’ for assessment of Europe and Central Asia

Review of additional text of the regional assessment for Europe and Central Asia - but ONLY for already registered reviewers! IPBES has opened a four-week period to review additional text on ‘Valuing Nature’s Contributions to People’, which will be added to chapter 2 on Nature’s contributions to people and quality of life of the Europe and Central Asia regional assessment. During the review period of the second order draft of the Europe and Central Asia regional assessment, which ran from 1 May until 26 June 2017, reviewers pointed out that the assessment did not sufficiently address the valuation of nature’s contributions…
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Review – en uge tilbage: Global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services

The first review (by experts) of the IPBES global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services draft chapters will close on 15 August 2017. If you wish to be an expert reviewer for the IPBES global assessment: One of the most important phases in the IPBES assessment process is the external review by interested and qualified experts, including scientists, decision makers, practitioners and other knowledge holders. You still have time to contribute to the global assessment review process! This is the first global assessment since the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment that will provide decision makers with the state of knowledge regarding the…
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