IPBES in Denmark together with SEGES and ICROFS/Univ. of Copenhagen invites you to participate in the first Danish pollinator symposium. The symposium will present current international and national research and evidence-based practical solutions for the maintainence, conservation and use of wild and domesticated pollinators with focus on Denmark and Northern Europe. The symposium will be relevant for managers, decision makers, scientistst and student, in addition to conservationists, NGOs, land-owners and bee-keepers. Find more information about the symposium, and register here. We will have contributions from: Lynn Dicks, University of East Anglia, UK Lina Herbertsson, Lund Universitet Björn Klatt, Lund Universitet…
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Nominering: Kandidater til tværfagligt ekspertpanel

Der skal nomineres nye kandidater til the Multidiciplinary Expert Panel (MEP) under IPBES. Besidder du de rette kompetencer, er der nu åbnet op for muligheden for at blive nomineret til det førende ekspertpanel for biodiversitet og økosystemtjenester. Som medlem af IPBES' MEP bliver du en del af et panel med repræsentanter fra verdens førende forskningsmiljøer inden for biodiversitet og økosystemer. Du kan bidrage til det forskningsmæssige arbejde på globalt niveau, få kendskab til seneste forskning, samarbejde med førende forskere, og bidrage afgørende til det videnskabeligt baserede arbejde under IPBES, der er med til at præge den politiske dagsorden vedrørende forvaltningen af biodiversitet og økosystemer.…
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Symposium om bestøvere – 7. december 2017

I samarbejde med SEGES - Landbrugets Videnscenter, ICROFS/Institut for Plante og Miljøvidenskab på KU, er IPBES i Danmark den 7.12 arrangører af et forskningsbaseret symposium om beskyttelse og forvaltning af vilde bier, honningbier og andre bestøvere.   Afsæt allerede nu datoen, hvis dette emne har din interesse. Programmet vil rumme oplæg fra både udenlandske og danske forskere, samt præsentation af evidensbaserede praktiske tiltag.   Vi er endnu ikke på plads med præcis, hvor dette symposium skal finde sted, eller hvad mad og drikke vil koste, men videre annoncering skal nok komme snarest!   Håber vi ses!   I mellemtiden vil…
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Review: ‘Valuing Nature’s Contributions to People’ for assessment of Europe and Central Asia

Review of additional text of the regional assessment for Europe and Central Asia - but ONLY for already registered reviewers! IPBES has opened a four-week period to review additional text on ‘Valuing Nature’s Contributions to People’, which will be added to chapter 2 on Nature’s contributions to people and quality of life of the Europe and Central Asia regional assessment. During the review period of the second order draft of the Europe and Central Asia regional assessment, which ran from 1 May until 26 June 2017, reviewers pointed out that the assessment did not sufficiently address the valuation of nature’s contributions…
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Modellering af økosystemtjenester og biodiversitetsindikatorer – ny rapport

Lige før sommer udgav DCE, Århus Universitet en ny rapport der fokuserer på metoder til modellering af økosystemtjenester og biodiversitetsindikatorer. Rapporten præsenterer et analyseredskab, der er udviklet med henblik på at kunne anskueliggøre samspillet mellem ændringer i en række økosystemtjenester når landbrugs- eller skovarealer tages ud af drift. Samspillet mellem økosystemtjenester kan have betydning for om det er muligt at opnå synergieffekter. Rapporten har anvendt Limfjordens opland som undersøgelsesområde. Analysen i rapporten omfatter følgende udvalgte økosystemtjenester: Fødevareproduktion, træproduktion, regulering af vandkvalitet i form af tilbageholdelse af kvælstof til Limfjorden, klimaregulering i form af kulstofbinding, jagt og rekreation. Desuden analyseres det også,…
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Business and Biodiversity conference in Frankfurt – Oct 17-18, 2017

Are you interested in how business and cooperations can work with and for biodiversity? Then this 2-day conference on the subject might be interesting for you: "The EU B@B Platform and the Global Nature Fund (GNF) invite you for two days devoted to tackling the challenge for businesses in integrating biodiversity and natural capital. The two conferences under the common motto “Business, biodiversity & natural capital | Ambitions, risks & opportunities” will bring front-running companies and organisations together with leading scientists, government officials and nature conservation organisations in a unique location in the centre of Europe. While the first day…
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Review – en uge tilbage: Global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services

The first review (by experts) of the IPBES global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services draft chapters will close on 15 August 2017. If you wish to be an expert reviewer for the IPBES global assessment: One of the most important phases in the IPBES assessment process is the external review by interested and qualified experts, including scientists, decision makers, practitioners and other knowledge holders. You still have time to contribute to the global assessment review process! This is the first global assessment since the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment that will provide decision makers with the state of knowledge regarding the…
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Review: Global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services

Scientists and experts are invited to participate in the first external review of the chapters of the landmark IPBES global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services, from 15 June until 15 August, 2017. This assessment will be the first global snapshot of the state of the world’s biodiversity in more than a decade, since the release of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. The global assessment will provide decision makers with the state of knowledge regarding the planet's biodiversity, ecosystems and the benefits they provide to people, as well as the options to protect and use these natural assets more sustainably. Furthermore, the…
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Ny Ramsar-rapport om kystnære marine økosystemtjenester

En ny nordisk rapport om kystnære økosystemers økosystemtjenester har set dagens lys. Rapporten er udgivet af Nordisk Ministerråd: ”Four key ecosystems have been selected to be examined in this report. These are kelp forests, eelgrass meadows, blue mussel beds and shallow bays and inlets. For kelp forest and mussels, the economic potential of cultivation is also considered. The study has focused on examining these coastal values through selected examples, and recommend possible applications for the management of the Nordic coastal areas and their resources. The study also identifies key knowledge gaps and suggests where further work should be emphasized.”
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