Danish network for biodiversity and ecosystem services

Danish network for biodiversity and ecosystem services

The aim of this network is to establish a Danish platform for sharing experience and knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services, including new research findings, specific projects, and the work of companies and public institutions on these topics.

The network will therefore contribute to discussing the applications of ecosystem services and increasing awareness based on international IPBES reports. The network is multidisciplinary and open to all relevant stakeholders, such as researchers, public and private sector employees, and others involved with or interested in biodiversity and ecosystem services, both in theory and practice.

The network hosts meetings 1-3 times a year. An annual schedule for the network’s meetings will be sent to all its members. In addition, the network will work on hosting a conference or seminar twice a year in line with its mission. Relevant presentations and similar materials are published on the IPBES in Denmark website.

If you want to be added to the network’s mailing list, you are welcome to send an email to IPBES in Denmark’s coordinator Lars Dinesen.

Questions regarding the network are welcome and can be directed to one of the contacts below:

Lars Dinesen : Coordinator, IPBES in Denmark
Henrik Vejre : Professor, Department of Geosciences
and Natural Resource Management (IGN), UCPH
Erling Andersen : Senior Advisor, Professor, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN), UCPH
Kristine Kjørup Rasmussen : Consultant, OIKO
Christian Riisager-Simonsen : Academic Employee, DTU Aqua

The network framework can be found by clicking on the link below.

Terms of reference