The International IPBES Network

What is IPBES?

IPBES stands for “The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.” The function of IPBES is in many ways comparable to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Currently, 147 nations worldwide have joined IPBES, including Denmark, and it continues to grow. The headquarters of the international IPBES network are located in Bonn.

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Denmark played a central role in the establishment of IPBES

IPBES was established during the Danish EU Presidency in 2012. In the prolonged negotiations leading up to its establishment, Denmark hosted and set the tone for a number of events that helped build the foundation for IPBES in the EU and globally.

One of the objectives of IPBES is to ensure that information and knowledge about the state of the planet’s biodiversity  and ecosystem services are provided to governments, other decision-makers, the private sector, and the general public. This information thus serves as the foundation to establish the best possible basis for decision-making.

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The global IPBES collaboration

The European IPBES network