Danish partners
Steering committee
The Steering Committee consists of one representative from each of IPBES in Denmark’s partners. The Steering Committee is responsible for ensuring the strategic direction of IPBES in Denmark, as well as ensuring that the collaboration agreement is adhered to. The Steering Committee meets as needed. The Steering Committee may decide to involve other actors in the group’s work in connection with recruiting additional research institutions or ministries to participate in the collaboration with IPBES in Denmark.
Representatives in the Steering Committee
Anders Sanchez Barfod
Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Aarhus University
E-mail: anders.barfod@bios.au.dk

Carsten Rahbek
Professor and Head of Center
Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate
Globe Institute
University of Copenhagen
E-mail: crahbek@sund.ku.dk

Katrine Nissen
Deputy Director General
Agency for Green Transition and Aquatic Environment
Ministry of Green Transition
E-mail: katni@sgav.dk

Karen Timmermann
DTU Aqua: National Institute of aquatic resources
Technical University of Denmark
E-mail: karti@aqua.dtu.dk

Julia Bronnmann
Associate Professor
Department of Business and Sustainability
University of Southern Denmark
E-mail: jubr@sam.sdu.dk

Justine Grønbæk Pors
Associate Professor
Department of Business Humanities and Law
Copenhagen Business School
E-mail: jgp.mpp@cbs.dk

Michael Ørsted
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry and Bioscience
Aalborg University
E-mail: moer@bio.aau.dk