Climate and biodiversity

25 October 2019, University of Copenhagen

The symposium on climate and biodiversity was held at the University of Copenhagen and funded by the 15. June Foundation, featuring keynote speakers Professor Hans Joosten and Associate Professor Mary Wisz.

The presentations can be downloaded as PDF below. The program for the symposium can be downloaded here (Danish).


Bo Jellesmark Thorsen, Professor at the University of Copenhagen
“Welcome and introduction to the Danish IPBES office”

Carsten Rahbek, Professor and Center Director at the University of Copenhagen
“Biodiversity loss and climate change – Opportunities for action from a global – local perspective”

Hans Joosten, Professor at Greifswald University, Germany
“Land use on organic soils – Implications of the Paris Agreement and the way forward

Berit Hasler, Senior Researcher at Aarhus University
“Regulation of climate, nitrogen and biodiversity in agriculture – opportunities and limitations”

Hans Henrik Bruun, Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen
“Synergies and conflicts in solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises”

Katherine Richardson, Professor at University of Copenhagen
“The SDGs – synergies, trade-offs and options: ocean and land

Jens Kjerulf Petersen, Professor at DTU Aqua
“The potential for species movement in relation to climate change – opportunities for action?”

Mary Wisz, Associate Professor at the World Maritime University, Malmö
“Marine biodiversity and human wellbeing in Denmark’s changing environment

Jon Christian Svendsen, Senior Researcher at DTU Aqua
“Maintenance of marine biodiversity: opportunities for action in coastal areas and potential for synergy”

Jørgen E. Olesen, Professor and Head of Department at Aarhus University
“Use of biomass in energy supply consequences for climate and biodiversity – what do the IPCC reports say”

Bo Øksnebjerg, Secretary General of WWF Denmark
“Biodiversity and climate – synergies and barriers in forest management – an NGO perspective”

Anders Busse Nielsen, Special Advisor at the Danish Nature Agency
“Afforestation at True forest – trade-offs and synergies in practice”