Invasive species

12 December 2023, Aarhus University

The symposium Invasive species – from global overview to local control was held at Aarhus University and funded by the 15. Juni Foundation, featuring keynote speakers Professor Helen Roy and Associate Professor Alejandro Ordonez Gloria.

Find the symposium’s presentations as PDFs below. The program for the symposium can be downloaded here (Danish).


Lars Dinesen, Coordinator at IPBES in Denmark
“Introduction to IPBES”

Helen Roy, Professor at the UK Centre for Ecology Hydrology and leader of the scientific work on the IPBES report.
“IPBES Thematic Assessment Report on Invasive Alien Species and their Control”

Alejandro Ordonez Gloria, Associate Professor at Aarhus University and first author of the IPBES report’s chapter on Governance
“What is integrated governance for Invasive Alien Species?”

Peter Stæhr, Professor at Aarhus University
“Marine IAS: Pathways, trends, impacts, and future perspectives with emphasis on Danish seas”

Henrik Glenner, Professor at the University of Bergen and visiting professor at the University of Copenhagen
“Oysters and Pacific oysters in the Limfjord: How bad can it get, and what can be done?

Jane Behrens, Senior Researcher at DTU Aqua
“Round goby: Link from research to management, knowledge on the effect of the species, and what can we do?”

Per-Arne Åhlén, Swedish Hunters Association, and Henrik Lange, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
“Effect and evidence-based control of raccoon dogs in Sweden”

Hans Wernberg, Care4Nature
“Practical mitigation of invasive plant species in Denmark”

Mariann Chriél, Special Advisor at the Danish Environmental Protection Agency
“Management of invasive species in Denmark: Challenges and opportunities”