Videos from IPBES
Below you will find selected video-productions from IPBES, such as presentations and conclusions from published consensus reports on biodiversity and ecosystem services, approved by all the IPBES member countries, including Denmark.
IPBES official introduction video
Summary of the IPBES report on Invasive Alien Species alien species (2023)
Summary of the IPBES report on the values of nature and biodiversity (2022)
Summary of IPBES report on the sustainable use of wild species (2022)
Presentation on the status of IPBES work (2021)
Presentation on opportunities for action inspired by the IPBES global report (2019)
Presentation of IPBES report on Europe and Central Asia (2018)
Presentation of IPBES report on land degradation and nature restoration (2018)
Presentation of IPBES report on pollinators, pollination and food production (2016)
More IPBES videos
Watch all IPBES videos on the IPBES YouTube channel